Sculptor, illustrator and muralist, Visual Goodies embraces the spirit and mystical warmth from our ancestors. Wielding cosmic power, his art is distinct and limitless.

How important is expression to you?
Expression is everything. Our very existence is the expression of some force or being that we barely understand. Expression has allowed us to build upon and create a mytho-historic narrative that helps us make sense of it all. Black expression is vital because our control and output has been extremely limited in recent times.
Black representation has fallen victim to stereotypical, fear based cultural myths that have even influenced our own depictions of ourselves. Its important that we recreate and control our narrative to have a better understanding of the past present and future of universal blackness.

What inspires you to create?
I'm inspired by what's done long ago and what we have yet to do (ancient futurism) . I’m inspired by the many expressions of nature, music and art. As a visionary imaginative artist most of my inspiration comes from the unseen parallel realm.
Indigenous people were inspired by reality but were comfortable deviating from realist depictions for original expressions of what they were seeing. I appreciate reference based work but it shouldn’t be the standard that all art is measured by. Imagination in combination with technical ability is priceless. My favorite work is a combination of the two.

If your artwork were music, what would it sound like?
Afro ancient futuristic beatstrumental. Roots, Soul, Jazz, Doug Carn, Ras G, Albert Ayler, Alice Coltrane, Kutmah , Sun Ra, Dj Krush, U-Roy, Fela, YNQ , Brainfeeder, Dome of Doom, Lionmilk and sooooo many many more....

What is your message, your philosophy?
My message and philosophy is to strive for originality and be patient. You may see people “blow up” over night but that isn’t the case most of the times and you don’t know the work someone has put in, or the funds and support put behind them (different discussion).
It can take decades to become established as an artist so you have to really love it and be ready for the long haul. Be original don’t hop on the hot thing and try to come up, it’ll work to your disadvantage as you run out of ideas. Read, research and investigate daily. We have the world at our fingers tips, its important that we stay focused and take advantage of all the information available.
Create from a real place, not for fame or fortune. Social media has definitely created a great window for artists to 'grow sell and expand but its also allowed some to get by without paying, while taking from those that came before them. Greater levels of respect from Black people for Black culture is in order.
All images by and courtesy of Visual Goodies
Instagram: @visualgoodies
Facebook: Visual Goodies